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UO Telephone Dialing Instructions:
Fax Dialing Instructions

The area code: 541 ............... The prefix: 346

Facsimile (fax) is an electronic means of transferring images from one location to another over telephone lines. The alphabetical section Fax Numbers for UO Departments will provide you with most fax numbers. If you need more assistance, please call the campus operators by dialing "0" or 6-1000 within the UO system or call (541)346-1000 on non-campus lines.

Dialing instructions for fax machines with dialing restrictions: please see the dialing instructions for modems but replace the comma with pressing the pause button on your fax machine (the fax pause button equates to the comma for a modem). When faxing International calls, please press the # sign instead of the pauses at the end of the international phone number before entering an Authorization code.