Instructions for Telecommunications Order Forms
Form 2c -- Order Form, Change Service
This form is for changes to names, Class of Service, Call Coverage Paths and Voice Mail. Please note that each data field type is identified by a number located above the field name.
- Fill out Fields 2 through 6 for each transaction.
- Fill in both the old ("from") and the new ("to") information in fields 3 through 6.
Field 1 -- Action Code, this has been filled out for you.
Field 2 -- Extension
The extension number that is being affected by this change.
Field 3 -- Class of Service
To change the Class of Service, fill out this field giving the old ("from") and the new ("to") class of service. See Class of Service definitions for the appropriate choices.
Field 4 -- Call Coverage Path
To change the Call Coverage path, enter Yes into the field, and attach Form 3 to show change in CCP.
Field 5 -- Voice Mail
If you only want to change the Name Field in Voice Mail, enter Yes in the field and Telecommunications will assume that you want the name changed.
If you have other Voice Mail changes, enter Yes in the field and attach Form 3 to show the change in Voice Mail service.
Field 6 -- Name
Following the Naming Conventions, please enter both the current or old ("from") name and the new ("to") name.