Instructions for Telecommunications Order Forms
Form 2a -- Order Form, Add &/or Delete Service.
This form is a summary of features and equipment for new service or termination of existing service requested by the Departmental Coordinator. Please note that each data field type is identified by a number located above the field name.
- For new service (adding new lines), fill in all the data fields except data field #12, the PORT number.
- Supply additional forms if fields 5, 6 and 7 are marked yes.
- For deletes, filling fields 1, 2, 3 and 7. However, if you are deleting a bridged line and want to have the line remain in other locations, you must write this on the form (or Telcom may inadvertently disconnect the line and all the bridges).
- Prepare a separate telephone packet for each index/activity code.
- Grant accounts must also include the activity code.
- There is no charge for name changes, Voice Mail changes, or deletions; however we still need the account information for a cross reference.
Field 1 -- Action Code
- A = Add. If you are adding any new numbers (which should be referenced as nn1, nn2, nn3 ...)
- D = Delete. If you are deleting an existing extension number.
Field 2 -- Extension Number
- Please designate new numbers as nn1, nn2, nn3, etc. in small print (so we have space on the form to handwrite in the new number assigned to your department).
- Include the existing number for an extension being deleted.
- If the UO is providing cable access for an outside line (e.g. a payphone, FTS line, etc.), you need to provide the number and the specific cable/binding post that your Vendor will bring the service into the Oregon Hall Switch room. With that information we will provide the cable service to the location on campus that you have requested.
Field 3 -- Set Type
The most frequently used sets and jacks are defined under the Sets and Jacks, please select one of your choice and enter it into the field. There are additional set types, but those are custom order and you need to call your Service Representative at 346-NETS for further information.
NOTE: If you want to change a single line set to a digital or a digital to a single line set:
Please use the Form 2a and:
Delete the Existing line/set, then (on the same form)
Add in the line with the new set designation.
Field 4 -- Class of Service
For a description of Class of Service please call your Service Representative at 346-NETS. The most frequently used classes of services are listed under the Class of Service Definition, please select one of your choice and enter it into the field.
Note: If you want to change Class of Service on an existing line, please use Form 2c for changes.
Field 5 -- Voice Mail Web Access
Access your voice mail messages via internet web browser. $1.00 per month.
Note: If you want to change Voice Mail Web Access on an existing line, please use Form 2c for changes.
Field 6 -- Voice Mail
- If the line is to have Voice Mail, mark Y and include Form 3.
- If the line is not to have Voice Mail, mark N.
Note: If you want to Add or Delete Voice Mail from an existing line, please use Form 2c for changes.
Field 7 -- Call Pick Up Group
- If the line is to be added to a Call Pick Up Group, mark Y and include Form 5.
- If the line is not to be added to a Call Pick Up Group, mark N.
Field 8 -- User Name
- For new service, each name must be unique. Please see "Naming Conventions" for further information.
- For a deletion, please include the most recent name for cross reference.
Field 9 -- Building or Address
This is the name or address where the new service will be added.
Field 10 -- Room or Suite Number
The actual room or suite where the new service will be added.
Field 11 -- Jack Number
Many of our buildings across campus have been re-wired and new jacks have been added. These new jacks have been numbered, and have been coded to give the technicians the actual physical "address" of the jack which can trace the wiring from the jack all the way back to the Oregon Hall Switch Room. If you building has been re-jacked, these numbers must be included on this order. Please use the full, eight-character jack number. See sample jack.
If your building has not been re-wired with the new jacks, it is very important to include a map with your order for new service.
If you wish to have a new jack added to the building, you must send us a map of the room(s) involved and the exact location(s) of the jack(s) you require.
Field 12 -- Port Number, LEAVE BLANK.